Risk of Complications if Workplace Injuries Are Left Untreated

Risk of Complications if Workplace Injuries Are Left Untreated

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that in 2022, close to 3 million workplace illnesses and injuries occurred across the country. This doesn’t include 5,486 work-related fatalities. 

It’s thought that these numbers are chronically underreported due to pressure not to file workplace injury documentation. This might be due to management influences, although in many cases, the workers may fear job safety and the stigma of being the “squeaky wheel” in their workplaces. Unreported injuries might be as high as three times more frequent than reported injuries. 

A workplace injury is always a medical concern, whether reported or not. At Advanced Spine and Pain Specialists, we’re experts in treating workplace injuries

You have rights and recourses when you experience an on-the-job injury. We’ll help you get the medical care you need while also assisting with the at-work injury process. You’re at risk of complications if workplace injuries are left untreated, so visit us as soon as possible after your incident. 

The most common workplace injuries

The BLS lists the top five on-the-job injuries as: 

  1. Slips and falls, including falls from heights
  2. Being hit by moving objects
  3. Contact with stationary objects
  4. Overexertion
  5. Repetitive strain injuries

Falls and impact injuries tend to be the most obvious and recognized workplace incidents. These may result in observable injuries requiring immediate medical attention. 

Less apparent injuries tend to result from impacts that affect the head and neck, overexertion injuries that damage soft tissue, and repetitive strain injuries that cause musculoskeletal and nerve damage. 

Potential complications of workplace injuries

These less obvious injuries are more likely to bypass the reporting process because they may not immediately produce symptoms. However, this late emergence could increase the risk of long-term complications. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common repetitive strain injury that affects factory and office workers or anyone who uses their hands over long hours. It usually builds up over months or years, stemming from irritation and pressure on the median nerve. 

Without treatment, CTS can lead to permanent damage to the median nerve that carries sensory and motor information for the thumb and first three fingers, resulting in a loss of dexterity in the affected hand. 

Whiplash is another injury that takes time to emerge, usually days after the incident. While symptoms often resolve, whiplash is unpredictable, and it’s possible to develop chronic problems if you don’t seek treatment, including neck pain, limited range of neck motion, and pain that extends into the arms. 

Musculoskeletal injuries due to overexertion can damage the soft tissue elements of joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. These areas are prone to sprains, strains, and tears, and healing without medical oversight may leave you weak or without a full range of motion. Osteoarthritis is another potential complication with far-reaching effects. 

Visit with Dr. Krishna Chunduri and our team at Advanced Spine and Pain Specialists at the first sign of a workplace injury. Call or click to make an appointment as soon as possible.

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